Walksnail Avatar HD VTX V2
Walksnail Avatar HD hat einen neuen VTX auf den Markt gebracht, der nun auf Walksnail Avatar VTX V2* hört.
Erste ersichtliche Änderung ist, dass man wieder auf dual Antennen zurückgegangen ist.
Das PCB und Kühlkörper wurden auch bearbeitet.
Dazu gibt es noch den Hinweis, auf 4K kompatibel.
Hier noch die englische Beschreibung:
The pioneers of the sky have arrived!
After receiving numerous suggestions from pilots, we have introduced dual antenna versions of Walksnail Avatar HD Pro Kit and Walksnail Avatar HD Kit V2! Here it comes! 
Difference from the previous, the dual antenna version optimized its appearance, making it more durable than before. The dual antenna design enables pilots to get better signal reception.
Highlight of Avatar HD VTX V2 
* Dual Antenna Design
* Compatible 4K
* Added 20*20mm mounting holes
* Improved internal circuit and shell
* Add spare pads and provide two power connection methods
* Optimize the design of the antenna base and the position of the frequency button
* Add 32g built-in storage option
Now, bring your footage to the next level with Walksnail! Walksnail will keep going with numerous awesome pilots like you, and make an effort for the better FPV community!