BetaFlight 4.3.1 release

BetaFlight ist in der Version 4.3.1 verfügbar

GUI muss keine neue verwendet werden (wenn man die Letzte von 4.3 verwendet). Die neue Firmware, wird wie gewohnt über die GUI geupdatet.

Release Notes:


  • Only write to FLASH once 64 bytes are buffered #11697 by @SteveCEvans in #11725
  • Add ICM42688P for all unified builds by @SteveCEvans in #11728


  • Ghost rssi fix by @daleckystepan in #11693
  • Backport Ghost jitter fix #11234 by @daleckystepan in #11724
  • Fix data overwriting in VCP_DataTx on F4 #11713 by @daleckystepan in #11726
  • Make sure to write dshot stop cmd to all other motors when targeting … by @RoarFPV in #11727
  • Fix compilation error when USE_RX_MSP_OVERRIDE by @hydra in #11730


  • Add STM32F411SX1280 unified target by @SteveCEvans in #11729

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