OpenTX 2.3.12 endlich mit CRSF-Shot

OpenTX ist in der Version 2.3.12 verfügbar.

Zur Freude aller TBS Crossfire User, ist jetzt endlich CRSF Shot enthalten. Somit muss man nicht mehr den Umweg über die nightlies nehmen.

Beim Update nicht vergessen, auch den neuen SD Content zu installieren!

Hier noch die englischen release notes:

Colorlcd radios
  • Add GUI for more slider/pots calibration
  • Fix some minor font glitches
  • Add a Quad wizard
  • Improve readability of switch warning when multiple switches are involved
B&W radios
  • Some italian fixes
  • Allow shortening of file names in SD manager
  • Increase popup size on small screen
  • Send 0 with LUA getRSSI() when no telemetry is streaming
  • Add getAvailableMemory()
  • Always prioritize protocol data coming directly from the module
  • Add support for SX1276 power indication
  • Support for M-Link telemetry
  • Fix per channel failsafe
  • Add support for module config (to allow two multimodule to use the same ID for example)
  • Update data tables to (thanks MRC3742)
  • add SI support to X9D 2019
  • add support for FPORT2
  • add support for race mode
  • 6POS position are now autodetected when setting up switches source
  • Support for ImmersionRC Ghost GPS sensor
  • Improve switching between modules using different modules
  • Fix Ghost channel range UI glitch
  • A lot of improvement by Elecpower (tons of thanks to him)
  • Fix trainer mode handling for some radios
  • Align RSSI alarm range with radios
  • Fix script max name lenght
  • Support for 1S radio battery
  • French translation updates (Thx LapinFou)
  • Japanese translation updates (Thx ToshihiroMakuuchi)

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