TBS Tango 2 – FreedomTX V1.29 ist verfügbar

Nach dem Update auf den TBS Agent X 3.0.17 bin ich gleich noch über das neue FreedomTX V1.29 für die Tango 2* gestolpert.

Diesmal hat sich einiges getan!

– fixed telemetry lost issue on external modules
– fixed CRSFshot sync issue on external Tracer system
– fixed duplicate RC packets issue on external Tracer system

SD card contents

Tango II Update procedure:

Please follow the Tango II update procedures in this image.

– added: CRSFshot for external modules (requires Crossfire 4.06 or newer)
– added: support R9M module for v2 & v3
– fixed: turning off internal crossfire when switching to external module
– fixed: bind issue when model match number = 0
– fixed: save the settings to SD card before starting firmware upgrade by Agent X
– fixed: Entering Emergency mode on power down when USB was active
– fixed: USB pop-up selection will take effect on the first selection
– improved: USB detection for some units
– improved: increased the multi-protocol module update rate
– improved: power off charging process
– added: charging option in USB pop-up menu
– fixed: cut off telemetry from internal module while external is active ( requires Crossfire V4.10 or newer )
– fixed: failure on turning on CRSFshot on external modules
– fixed: additional delay while using multi protocol module
– fixed: backlight always on
– improved: playing music while operating
– improved: SD card driver
– improved: remove crossfire menu. now accessible via tools

Hier noch die empfohlene Updatereihenfolge:

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