BLHeli32 Version 32.10 veröffentlicht

Seit gestern ist BLHeli32 in der Version 32.10 verfügbar.

Kann ganz normal über die Suite geupdatet werden.


Danke an FiShJaeGeR für das raussuchen der Release Notes:

With the following changes:
Added support for extended Dshot telemetry
– Temp, volt, curr data now available over bidirectional Dshot signal
Reduced ESC and motor stresses during stall conditions
– Timeout before shutting off power is reduced
Added protection against unintentional spoolups
– Input signal is qualified before starting, and during the first 5s of running,
signal timeout is only 30ms (vs generally 320ms)
– Input signal loss does not lead to new detection of signal type
(unless input line is held high more than 2 seconds so bootloader is entered)
– So when changing input signal type, the ESC must be power cycled
for it to take effect
Some small changes to make thrust vs rpm more linear
– Primarily for static or quasi-static load conditions
Improved and now functional temperature protection for AT MCUs
Some smaller fixes


Release Notes zur Suite, seit der 32.09:

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